Kamis, 21 Juni 2012


Blog tutorial-blogaje this time will be a little offended about alexa and how important for our blog.
Alexa such as appraisers or its ranking of a blog / web, so that Alexa is very familiar among the bloggers, because every blog owner will certainly make every effort to increase their Alexa ranking.
Theoretical calculations, that gives alexa ranking of a blog based on traffic or traffic from these blogs. So the more traffic a blog to make our blog better reputation in the eyes of alexa, and consequently heheh .. alexa ranking for the better.
But there are other things to note about this alexa, that there are other calculations that effect on the determination of ranking our blog, that is, how much we know alexa alexa and put in our blog was also an impact. For example this article, which discusses about alexa, alexa toolbar installed on the browser, so it's easier for alexa to monitor our blog. This is what I mean by know more or perhaps in our everyday language, familiar. 

The following steps to install the Alexa toolbar at:

  1. First of all go to www.alexa.com ,
  2. Last   click   menu   Edit Site. Later you will be brought to the user page   login   of Alexa, if you do not already have an account please   sign up   first using your email.
  3. Further see your email and open your membership confirmation email from Alexa.
  4. After confirmation,   click   back menu   Edit site.   Enter   data   website   or register here.
  5. Next do the verification of your blog.
This verification can be done with 2   way, choose one only:

  • First with   upload   in   root   blog. Create a   file format   . Txt with   notepad, copy and paste   meta tag   into the file and make a name corresponding instructions from alexa. Last   upload file   is at the root of your blog hosting you use.

  • Second, a meta tag. Copy and paste   meta tag   is in between the tags <head> with </ head> in your blog template. Type the verification code from Alexa into the html code that you copy and paste earlier. See _6t2a code,,, etc. in the red color, the code that you should copy and paste in your blog. After that, click Verify my id.
  • Verify written under my ID will be written,
  • Your site is successfully claimed.

Congratulations, your blog is in verify by Alexa.
Ok, this is article about the importance and how to apply  alexa. I hope this article is useful and Greetings, blogaje .

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