Selasa, 19 Juni 2012


Hear the word leadership would never be separated from the officials or leaders of the country. There are so many state leaders who inspire our lives. Each exemplified the good that can never be separated from the personality of the leaders. According to Sun Tzu, the leadership has five aspects, namely 
and courage.
The fifth aspect of leadership in the inter-related and should not be separated.
As an example of leadership based solely on intelligence alone, tends to lead to rebellion, because all terms are based solely on logic or reason alone. If you only rely on the kindness alone, usually caused by the impression is being weak. Believe that excessive attitudes or beliefs lead to greater reliance on aspects of leadership are often fooled. Similarly, leaders who rely solely on the strength of courage and of discipline that is too hard will lead to a cruel leader.
View of all that, the above five aspects of leadership, it is worth if held by a person who wants to be a leader.
I hope this article, make us understand how to be a good leader, and give us motivation for life better.

The original article: Sun Tzu's work.

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